Ontario G1 Practice Test - G1 Practice Exam Simulator 2025

What does this road sign mean?
Maximum vehicle clearance height is 3.9m.
This road is 3.9 miles long.
Maximum 3.9 tones load in vehicle.
None of the above.
This is a sign which represents the space for room and also the maximum height for vehicle clearance is 3.9m.
What does this road sign mean?
Parking for snowmobiles.
Drive carefully, snowmobiles cross this road.
Only snowmobiles may use this road.
No cars allowed.
Drivers proceed with caution as snowmobiles cross this road.
What does this road sign mean?
Pedestrians are not allowed.
Pedestrian cross-over.
Intersection ahead.
Both A and C.
Individuals must stop their vehicle until pedestrians cross the road.
What does this road sign mean?
Drive carefully, watch out for children.
School crossing ahead.
Watch out for instructions from crossing guard at school crossing.
All of the above
This warning sign means that there is a school crossing ahead, watch out for children.
What does this road sign mean?
Drive according to the posted maximum speed when lights are flashing.
Watch out for parents.
Drive your vehicle at 80km/h.
Drive your vehicle at 40km/h.
When lights are flashing, children are nearby road and drivers must obey the maximum speed limit mentioned on the sign board.
What does this sign mean?
Stop your vehicle when sign is out and flashing.
Stop at all times when you see a school bus.
Slow down your vehicle when lights are flashing.
Speed up your vehicle when you see this sign.
When a stop sign is out and lights are flashing, you must come to a complete stop at a safe distance until lights stops flashing.
What does this sign mean?
Airplane flying zone.
Route to airport.
No-fly zone ahead
Slow down your vehicle, drive carefully.
This sign means is airport road and it will take you directly to the airport.
What does this sign mean?
This sign tell you about the off road facilities.
Parking sign.
Both A and B.
None of the above.
This sign tells you about all the nearby facilities like hospital and airport.
What does this road sign mean?
New vehicle sign.
New driver sign, drive carefully around that vehicle.
No parking sign.
Experienced driver sign.
This is a new Ontario driver sign.
What does this sign mean?
Lifting bridge ahead, it allows boats to pass.
Restricted bridge ahead, stop your vehicle.
No entry because of bridge.
Come to a complete stop.
This warning sign means that there is a lifting bridge ahead.
What does this sign mean?
Road turns left then right.
Continue going straight.
Winding road ahead.
Road Turns right then left.
This sign means that road will turn right then turn left.
What does this sign mean?
Circle ahead at intersection.
Permissive sign.
Prohibited sign.
Green Forest zone.
Any sign inside the green circle is permitted.
What does this road sign mean?
Lane splitting by two cars is mandatory.
Passing is prohibited.
Passing is allowed.
Lane splitting by two cars is not allowed.
This sign means that overtaking is allowed.
What does this road sign mean?
Warning sign.
Temporary sign.
Regulatory sign.
School crosswalk ahead sign.
This is a regulatory sign.
What does this road sign mean?
No vehicle allowed.
Permissive sign.
Cross road ahead sign.
Prohibited sign.
Any sign inside the red circle mean that it is not allowed.
What does this road sign mean?
Left turn only
Right turn only
Go Straight
None of the above
Arrow pointing to right side with black background means that only right turn is allowed.
What does this sign mean?
Speed limit changes ahead.
Speed limit for previous road is 80km/h.
Both A and B.
None of the above.
This sign means that posted speed for this road will change.
What does this sign mean?
Speed limit changes ahead.
Speed limit for the previous highway was 80km/h.
Speed limit posted for the current road is 80km/h.
Both A and B.
Speed for this highway is 80km/h.
What does this sign mean?
No right turn, you can turn right at posted times.
Right turn allowed at posted times.
Right turn not allowed at posted times.
Go left or straight at all times.
At the specified date and time, turning right is not allowed.
What does this sign mean?
Left turn not allowed at posted times.
Take a right turn of go straight.
No parking at posted times.
None of the above.
At the specified date and time, turning left is not allowed.
If a G1 driver is accompanied by a G2 driver, which should be the blood alcohol level of G2 driver?
Less than 0.08%.
Less than 0.06%.
Less than 0.04%.
No more than 0%.
G2 driver should have a blood alcohol content (BAC) less than 0.06% while accompanying a G1 driver.
when should be an accident reported to the police?
Damage is over $2000.
Some gets injured.
Both A and B.
Whenever there is some damage.
Accidents should be reported to the police officer when damage is more than $2000 CAD or someone is harmed because of the accident.
Punishment for driving with license suspended for the first time is:
$1000 to $5000 fine and license suspended for 4 years.
Fine of $200.
$1000 to $5000 fine only.
None of the above
If an individual drive with suspended license, $1000 to $5000 fine will be imposed.
What is the correct way for alcohol detoxification?
Apple juice.
Orange juice.
Give body time to remove alcohol naturally.
All of the above.
You must not drive and take some rest, time will naturally detoxify the body.
You want to exit the highway but you accidently miss it, what should you do?
Reverse your car and go through the exit.
Take a U-turn and go through the exit.
Go through the next exit.
None of the above
You should look out for the next exit and continue going straight on the highway in case of missing an exit.
What if you accidently injure another person during an accident?
Pull the person out of the car ASAP.
Give the person first Aid.
Do not remove the person unless it is necessary.
Both B and C.
Do not move the person unnecessarily and give the person first aid.
What is the correct way to park your vehicle on a downhill?
Use parking brake.
Use parking brake and front wheels facing forward.
Front wheel to the left.
Use parking brake and front wheels facing right.
Turn your front wheel to the right side and pull your parking brake while parking on a slope.
Why you should drive at 20-30 km/h lower than maximum speed at night?
Because you cannot see clearly at a distance.
Driving at night is actually not dangerous, you should go at maximum speed.
Road is more crowded at night.
The lights from the front makes it difficult to see at night.
You should drive slow at night because of less visibility.
What does a broken center line on roadway imply?
Do not pass if it is a two-lane road.
You can overtake if way is clear.
Both A and B.
None of these.
A broken line on the center of the road means you can overtake if it is safe.
How far should you park to a fire hydrant?
2 meters.
3 meters.
4 meters.
5 meters.
You should park at least 3 meters away from a fire hydrant which will give proper space to the firetruck.
What is the best way to stop on a snowy road?
Use emergency brakes.
Hit brakes with maximum force.
Carefully hit brakes while keeping vehicle under control.
Both A and B.
Keep the vehicle under control and slowly hit brakes while slipping on a snowy road.
When should an individual use parking lights?
During heavy fog.
During rain.
Parking only.
All of the above.
Parking lights should be used while parking your vehicle.
what does a combination of half solid and half broken line mean on the road?
You can pass but it is unsafe.
It means no passing at night.
It is safe to pass.
None of the above.
It means that passing is allowed but it is unsafe on this road.
Stay on the right side of the road unless:
You are driving in snow.
You want to pass another vehicle.
You are driving in rain.
Both A and C.
You should stay on the right side of the road unless it's raining or snowing.
Low beam headlights should be used at night on a highway only if:
Do not use low beam headlights on a highway at night.
You are just behind another vehicle.
You can use any light on a highway.
Both A and B.
Do not use high beam lights behind another vehicle while driving, the vehicle in the front will not be able to see properly because of excessive light.
What is the safe distance from vehicle in front at 50km/h?
1 car length.
2 car length.
3 car length.
4 car length.
You should keep you car at a minimum of 3 cars distance from the car in the front so you have enough time to apply brakes.
What will an intelligent driver do?
Drive fast on a snowy road.
Talk over smartphone while driving.
Always give his right of way to another driver.
Be considerate of other drivers and prepared for difficult situations.
You should always drive carefully and be ready to face problems on the road.
If your car stops working properly while driving on a highway, what should you do?
Move to the right lane and drive slowly.
Move to the left lane and drive slowly.
Press breaks and completely stop in the middle of the highway.
Park your vehicle off the roadway and turn on hazard signals.
You should come to a complete stop and park you car off the roadway and turn on hazard lights.
If you are on medication what should you do before driving a vehicle?
Take medication before driving.
Ask your doctor about the effect of medication on your body when you drive.
Drive slow and carefully.
Don't drive while you are on medication.
Whenever you get medication from a doctor, ask the doctor about the effect of that medicine while driving.
If you are convicted of driving with suspended license, what will happen to you?
Vehicle impounded for 30 days.
Vehicle impounded for 45 days.
Vehicle impounded for 60 days.
Vehicle impounded for 90 days.
If you are convicted of driving with a suspended license, Vehicle will impounded for 45 days.

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Practice Test 4

Test your understanding of road regulations and traffic signs with our Ontario G1 practice test that match the actual exam format, grading, and passing marks. This practice test will help you prepare for the G1 exam, which you may take once at your local driving test facility in Ontario if you are 16 or older. Ontario offers a two-year graduated driver's license (GDL) program, culminating in a Complete G Drivers license. This G1 exam-like practice test will develop your knowledge and help you pass the written knowledge examination on your first try.